Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Loud Music, A Laser Light Show, and Fireworks Going Off

At 2245 local time, that's the extent of New Year's Eve madness in La-La Land.

I suppose things night get a little more nuts, but I'm going to bed.

Hope you all had a safe and sane New Year's Eve, and wishing you all the best for 2015!


  1. It was quieter here than usual, with far fewer fireworks in our neighborhood than usual. We're okay with that.
    Happy New Year, sir.

  2. We had some much cooler weather and it was raining last night...that kept the fireworks down some. Still, I did not go to bed until midnight. Happy New Year drjim!

  3. Same to you sir! I was in bed by 2200... :-)

  4. Happy New Year, Jim. Sorry I was late to the party ... story of my life. :)


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