Thursday, August 21, 2014

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.........It's OVER!

Well, I was processed out today, along with 27 other people from my group.

My former group is down to TWO people, and the facilities guys went from 12 people to three.

All three of the purchasing people are gone, along with one of the two Safety guys, the Communications Manager, 3 of the 4 IT people, and the guy who ran Document Control.

That's 46 people that I know of, out of about 70 people on-site, or well over half the staff.

One of the security people has already found another job, and the other is seriously looking.

In the next week or so, several managers will be released, and then there's 8 the Boeing people still there.

I expect the Boeing guys to be released in the next week or so, as my former employer wants to weasel out of renegotiate their contract to get costs down (they're already about as low as they can be made and still make a small profit), and eliminate the $20 million early termination clause that's in the existing contract.

I expect them to shutter the place by the end of the year.


  1. That happened to me back in March of 2002, I was, I was 61 at that time ,hand some retraining time coming, used that, due to unexpected things happing, never got a job, just getting my SS and pension to live on, but doing OK.
    Sincerely Stepinit

  2. Congratulations, Jim. Enjoy your well deserved retirement!

  3. Enjoy the retirement... And don't look back...

  4. Thanks everybody.

    Leaving there is a LOT like the joke about pounding your head on the wall.....

  5. Well, that's not the sort of birthday present you get every year. And probably for the best, to not be around for the final throes.

    I had the renegotiation thing happen once. I thought I was one a 1-year contract, but after 6 months they said they weren't going to renew. I said, "What?" Well, they came back with a 10% cut, and I was willing to live with that, but then they came back with another 10%, and I said goodbye.

    And now the fun starts, right? Enjoy yourself!

    1. Yep, negotiate down until the current vendor leaves, and then look for a new one.


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