Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Upcoming Amateur Radio Events on the Battleship IOWA

Just got back from the BIARA board/planning meeting for the month.

As of this date, we'll be operating NI6BB on May 26th for Memorial Day, from 0900 to 1800 PDST, along with several other events.

Museum Ships Weekend
0000Z June 7th, through 2359Z June 8th

ARRL Field Day

I'll post the other events here, as we firm them up.

Look for us on frequencies ending in "61" (get it? BB61?), like 14.261, 7.261, etc +/- the QRM!

On announced events, we usually get quite a pile-up, so be patient, and if we can hear you, we will work you!

I won't be operating on the Iowa for Field Day, as I'll be running the satellite station for my "other" club, URAC, K6AA.

Hope to meet you on the air!


  1. Good for y'all for being up and operating! The best remembrance is to be on the air!

  2. The more I get involved with the Iowa, the more I want to do.

    At the board meeting yesterday I met one of the guys who's the leader in charge of getting all the original radio gear back in to operation. He told me several stories of what they've found so far (ALL of the designator plates on the switchboards and patch panels had been randomly swapped around!), and laid out the future plans.

    After I retire (Real Soon Now!), I'll be spending more time there to help with this particular project, along with helping the IT department, and the exhibits people.

    One of the original transmitters down on "Broadway" was removed by the Navy, but the rest of the equipment is still intact, and we want to be able to get at least one transmitter running.

    Now that the designator plates on the switching matrix have been sorted out (Thanks to the guys on the New Jersey!), we're able to route audio around.

    The guys on the New Jersey and Missouri have been a tremendous help to us, and we'll be forever in their debt!


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