Thursday, May 15, 2014


WoW.....We've had three days of 100+ weather, and today is the hottest yet.

The thermometer in may car indicated it was 107*F coming home today, and my calibrated weather station indicates we hit 104.4*F today at 1326 local time, the highest temp so far this year.

And to make it worse, the Relative Humidity has been in the %5~6% range the last several days.

I don't ever recall getting "static zaps" in the summer out here!

It's supposed to break tonight, with high being 93*F on Friday, dropping to 80*F on Saturday, and in the low to mid 70's on Sunday, and through the next week.

AND......I watched my workmates motor out of the harbor today on their way to catch up with the Launch Platform, and then on to 154*W, 0*N (the launch site) for the launch of Eutelsat 3B, which is now scheduled for May 26th, at 1410 PDST, 2110 UTC.

If anybody wants to watch the live streaming web broadcast, drop me an email, and I'll send you the link.


  1. Yeah, I'd like to see it.

    Schmoo1964@yahoo. kom

    1. Should be here in a week or so.....

  2. Just don't leave your GPS on your dash...

    1. Mine's part of the radio/CD player, so it's in the dash!

  3. Here in Indiana we had a high of 45 degrees and are expected to set of at least tie a record for cold 37 record 38 to tie

    1. Ship some this way, and any "extra" rain you might have......


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