Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ready for Field Day

Made a bunch of satellite contacts over on Sunday, confirming things work As Advertised.

I pick up a little 5 x 7 trailer from U-Haul on Thursday, load it up Friday with my son, and head down to the site for setup.

More info on Field Day, and all things Amateur Radio, at the ARRL website.



  1. Did you notice the WWII surplus ARC-5 transmitter on the field day poster. It even has the dynamotor!

  2. D'OH!

    No, I missed that completely.

  3. Command Set transmitter *and* receiver, in fact, with a Vibroplex "Lightning Bug" or clone sitting atop the XMTR, and that's the commonest mil-surp J-36 bug. If our boy's pushin' an ex-mil straight key, too, his FD setup may be all surplus.

    'Sa pity Phil Gildersleeve (http://www.hamtoons.net/node/22) isn't around to ask.

  4. Except for the orange crate........


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