Sunday, March 18, 2012

"Hatcher's Notebook"....BUY IT!

Carteach0 has a review over on his blog about this book. After reading the review, and his recommendation, I ordered the book from Amazon. It got here a week or so ago, and I've been reading it in my "spare" time.
It's just fascinating.
Besides giving the history of machine guns, and semi-automatic rifles, it also has a lot of practical information, including the first explanation of "headspace", with drawings, that I actually understood.
And a lot of other interesting things, too, like "Experiments with Barrel Obstructions", "Gun Corrosion and Ammunition Developments", and more charts, tables, illustrations, and photographs than you can shake a stick or three at.
Truly and amazing work, and a definite "Must Have" if you're at all interested in the technical aspects of guns, ammo, and shooting.
I give it a "Five".


  1. I don't think that's the link you meant. It has a bunch of weater data from the El Lay area of southern Cali.

  2. OOOPS!
    Thanks for catching it.
    Link has been corrected!

  3. Tell us more of it when your done reading. I wanted to know what was the story about so I can followed it correctly. How does the author put the climax?


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