Sunday, October 2, 2011

Final Position Report.....

.....Before we drop our satcom link.

We're at 31* 15' N, and 120* 10' W.

We *easily* could have been home today, or even yesterday if they would have spent a few more $$ on fuel.

Oh, well.......


  1. Hm... days at sea and NOT paid??? Something doesn't sound right... Sorry you're a day late getting home, but enjoy the down time!

  2. Yep, the new owner's are extremely tight-fisted. Overtime is only allowed when pre-authorized, and our hours are M-F 0800-1700 with an hour for lunch.
    When Boeing was running things they were very generous. We got paid 60 hours/week, with a "Repeat Mission Incentive Bonus" to compensate the people who went on repeat missions.
    I've had two people tell me they will NOT go out again, and three others who left Boeing to come back are strongly considering going back to Boeing.
    Oh, well.....

  3. That is BS... Y'all are getting screwed...

  4. Yep, and The New Owner's are going to learn all about Capitalism in a very harsh manner.
    If you don't pay people what they were led to believe they were going to get, THEY QUIT!


Keep it civil, please....

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