Friday, September 20, 2024

Finally Friday!

 And I now have a functional PC with a new 4TB Solid-State Drive, and a fresh installation of Kubuntu 24.04 Long Term Support. It's also much quieter as the fans on the video card aren't screaming at full speed trying to keep the card cool. The Root Cause appears to be a leak from a failed soldered connection on one of the four heat pipes used in the heat sink assembly. Oh, well.....I built this rig in 2012, so I definitely got my money's worth out of the video card.

The money I budgeted to upgrade this PC will be used on the workshop PC, and a National Instruments IEEE-488/GPIB Interface board so I can automate my HP test equipment.

Have a great weekend, and keep your pagers and walkie-talkies wrapped in aluminum foil.....


  1. I did a lot of auto test design and implementation in one of my former assignments in aerospace. Fun stuff.

    I knew you'd get the PC fixed toot-sweet.

    No problem with the Chinese-made Baofeng radios you think?? I sure hope not.

  2. Hah! Running things on the "HP-IB" bus as it used to be called was a gas at HAC.. All my test gear has the interface, I downloaded the Community Version of LabView, and I had a no-name USB-to-GPIB converter that didn't work. Got an official National Instruments one, and they dropped support for it! I'm just going to get a PCI card from NI and be done with it!

  3. Are we sure we want to recharge that two way radio?

    1. Since it has a LiPO battery, I have all the required safety equipment in case things go sideways....

  4. Leave it set in the driveway and plug into an extension cord while it charges!

    1. And we'll put it in a steel ammo can with the lid open to direct any blast upwards....


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