Thursday, April 18, 2024

Meet Luna!

 Great name for our new pup, eh? She's camera shy, and "Red Eye Removal" doesn't work for dogs!

She's two years old, predominantly American Staffordshire Terrier, aka "Pit Bull". She was surrendered to the NoCo Humane Center by a young couple who are expecting their first child, and decided they couldn't handle a young dog and a new infant at the same time. The first dog we looked at wanted absolutely nothing to do with us, which is surprising, as we're both People of the Dog, and most dogs like us. I mean growl, turn her back to us, and stare out the window until the staff person came to collect her.

Luna was very happy to meet us, and took to us immediately. She responded properly to several commands we gave her, and seemed to be a very good natured dog.

I tried to get a good picture of her, but the Big Black Nikon camera I have spooked her, and when I clicked the flash up, she backed off. As soon as I took this picture she came back wagging her tail, but I've never seen a dog get spooked by a camera.

And she loves exploring her backyard. I'm sure she'll love the trails here, too.

We get to see how she does with other people tomorrow, as The Kids are dropping by for a bit.


  1. Congrats! Looks like a fine addition to the family.

    I haven't lived with a dog since I was a kid, and never with that breed, so I have nothing practical to add - except that she's just as likely to be training you as the other way around. I'm sure you know that.

    1. Like most dogs, if you raise them right, they're very loving, protective dogs. And yep....she already knows where the food is kept, and where the treats are stored!

  2. Thank you and SLW for rescuing a shelter dog. Banner didn't come from a shelter but his circumstances were similar.

    1. Every dog SLW and I have had was a rescue. There were several I would have taken, but then I'm a softie for dogs.

      And she's excellent with toddlers, an added bonus!

  3. Nice looking pooch. I'm sure Luna will fit right in.

  4. Replies
    1. It has been so far. She's excellent with the little ones!

  5. Congratulations and God bless.

  6. Pretty girl! There's always a place for a good dog in a home.


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