Saturday, January 27, 2024

Doing Fine, AAR To Follow....

 Pain down ~90%, swelling down ~90%, no jaw pain, swallowing ability significantly improved. Lymph nodes mostly back to normal, indicating we've got the infection about beat-down, and mobility returning. Leg muscles are stiff and sore, and I'm looking forward to working with the OT/PT staff. I feel confident that the Speech Pathology staff will be pleased with my progress, and clear me to the next Diet Level. I'm still eating conservatively, and following their guidelines, but boy....does it feel good to be able to eat Mac-and-Cheese in a normal manner, and be able to swallow it without any difficulty.

I have to dig up the #1 CT Scan when they brought me in, compared to the #2 CT Scan taken several days later.

Peace, have a Blessed Sunday, and be aware of your six.....


  1. Glad to hear of the progress back to normal, DrJim. Peace and blessings on you and the Family.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, WSF! Simple things like swallowing without pain, being off the liquid diet, and having real food again is a blessing.

    2. Simple pleasures!

      Glad you are on the mend.

  3. Praise God for your healing, drjim. Be safe and God bless.

    1. Thank you Linda. I kind of came to realize this last yeah that my Faith never "left me", nor did I "walk away" from it. I just kinda stuck it up on a dusty shelf for a while, knowing inside I'd need it again someday.

  4. Glad to hear it! Keep up the good work!

  5. You have to keep fighting. No choice.

    1. Yup. No excuse if you don't. I have the following things to attend to this Summer.....Get A Dentist ( ! ), have my cataracts taken care of, and (groan...) see the Audiology people per SLW. I'll probably enjoy talking with the Audiology staff. Knowing a *bit* about audio and human perception of sound, I'll probably be asking questions as only I can.....


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