Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Home Again, Home Again, Jig Jiggedy Jig!

 Released at 1500 Local, and back home again by 1600.

 The swelling and inflammation have dropped significantly, my "Cerivcal Lymph Nodes" have pretty much returned to their preincident condition, no more pain when swallowing, and the area of my jaw where they "excavated" the four abscessed molars has transitioned to being "just a gum line" again. There's still a few small fragments that will have to be addressed, but nothing like when I went in.

Still have to be on a semi-soft diet until the Speech Pathology people clear me to resume a normal diet, and the PT/OT people want me in a few times to make sure nothing else went South besides the teeth.

So now I'm "In Search Of....." a good Dentist, after which it'll be open the wallet, let the moths out, and pay the man. I need some other Dental work too, so I'm pretty sure we'll burn through our Dental Allowance at an astonishing rate.

The hospital food was OK, considering it was all pureed, but the coffee was #1 or #2 on my list of "Worst Coffee In America". First thing I did after I got home and got things squared away was make a decent cuppa, and sat down to enjoy it.

Thank you all for the encouragement and support. Infected/impacted teeth have killed many people in the past, and will continue to do so. SLW was told by the Doctor that I was in "serious trouble", which I don't remember her saying before tonight. Considering that they did the surgery several hours after I checked-in, I'd have to say "Yep".


  1. Let us hope this is the last of your medical adventures for a long time.

    1. Thanks, WSF! That makes, you, me, SLW and probably another 10 people hoping the same thing.

  2. Sounds like it is going well for recovery. You're still in our prayers. Hang in there.

    1. Thanks, Bob. Feeling better today. Slept like the Bob Seger song all night. No lights, no little IV Pumps going "tik...tik...tik" all night, no 3am blood draws, etc, etc, etc. Still on a semi-restricted diet, but the "Soft and Bite-Sized" diet is better than the "Minced and Moist" diet, which is way, way, way better than the "Liquids Only" diet. I was very close to refusing any more Jell-O, applesauce, broth, and the stuff they call "coffee" in the hospital. Might have made good drain cleaner, but it wins my personal award for "World's WORST Coffee"!

  3. disease used to be a major cause of morbidity.
    While almost everyone hates going to the dentist it's one thing
    that can have a significant effect on lifespan.

    1. Oh, yeah....I knew I had dental problems, BUT....just kept putting it off until it bit me in the rear....really hard, too!

  4. Glad you came through okay! And yes, hospital coffee SUCKS!!! Gah!!!

  5. Gosh, didn't know you were hospitalized. Glad you are alive and getting better.

    As to hospital coffee, the hospital I was in a year ago had acceptable coffee. It was not the best but I had worse from flight kitchens when I was flying C-130s.


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