Wednesday, July 19, 2023

And Boy, Does It Run Well!

 Took her off the stands today, checked the oil, checked the tires, cleaned the windshield, crossed myself, crossed my fingers, and took her out for a spin.

YOWZIR, what an improvement! It's no longer all herky-jerky pulling away from a dead stop, throttle response is improved throughout the RPM range, and it pulls harder now that the throttle plate goes wide-open. Besides the throttle work, I also put in new plugs and wires, and replaced a whole lotta vacuum hose. Some was cracked, but most of it just didn't fit tight to the places it plugged in to, and was a source of potential vacuum leaks.

And two of the plug wires were bad. Looks like they may have come loose slightly, allowing water ingress, and the terminals were corroded.

So tomorrow we head off to the emissions testing facility, God Willin and the Crick Don't Rise!

Oh, and no rain. Ms Swan does NOT like getting wet!

Obligatory Engine Room pr0n....


  1. Replies
    1. Oh, yeah! Rist Canyon to Stove Prairie to 14, and back via Ted's Place. I was also thinking of taking Harmony Rd around the reservoir to Masonville, then up Buckhorn to Stove Prairie, and then either continue on to 14, or back on Rist Canyon.

  2. Thank goodness no emissions testing here. St. Louis on the other side of the state does have it. I'm surprised it hasn't been instituted in Kansas City yet.

    1. We only have emissions testing in the counties along the "I-25 Urban Corridor". So far it's been much easier and less stringent than with the Smog Nazis in Kommiefornia.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, sir! I'm pleased it also runs well, too.

  4. Hey, congrats! Nothing like completing a successful repair and upgrade.

    Enjoy the joy ride!

    1. Thanks, SiG! It's not fast, it's not quick, but it's just very nice to drive. Sticks like glue in the corners.

      Got all the ground rods driven in and bonded. They drove in very easily, even the one next to the entrance panel where it's almost always dry. I'll take some pix and do a post in the next day or two.


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