Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Yowzir.......What Hit Me?.....

 Been out-of-the-loop for about five days now with some kind of tummy bug. Knocked me flat out for two days, and then Sweet Little Wife said I looked like this poor guy:

....All Weekend Long....

Yeah, not pleasant, but I'm back to about 90% or so. Worst part was I missed TLG's 6th birthday party. Bummed out over that one. The best part is (yes, Virginia, there is a best part) that I haven't had a cigarette in FIVE DAYS. Not quite jonesing due to some help from one of those "e-Cigarette" things, and my cough is gone, and my sinus passages seem clearer. Fingers crossed I'll keep on going like this until the little things are gone, things like lighting up after a meal.


  1. Been there, done that, Imodium is your friend.

  2. Glad to hear you're getting better. And well done on the quitting smoking for 5 days - 1 day at a time.

  3. Both Damsel and I quit smoking cold turkey years ago. It now seems like smoking was just another thing that we don't miss at all. That and the ridiculous cost of that nasty habit.

    1. That's what SLW said...Now I have more to spend on junque!

  4. Everyone has "advice". When I quit smoking in 1984 I quit cold turkey. Here it is 2023 and I still get the craving from time to time.

    Whatever hit me last month still lingers. No energy and running sinuses.

    1. The little vape things are a crutch, but still better than inhaling all the smoke, tar, and particulates...


Keep it civil, please....

Merry Christmas - <i>He Is Born</i> -

I'd like to wish my friends here a very Merry Christmas, and a very Happy New Year. We'll be having our Christmas Dinner with family...