Friday, September 9, 2022

Fire Just About Out

 We had some rain last night, and the winds calmed down, so the fire crews were able to contain it to about 40%, and it shows no growth.

Well done to all!

Y'all be safe out there, and enjoy the weekend. It's drizzling here, and going to be raining tonight and tomorrow when my son and I are swapping out the alternator, serpentine belt, and tensioner on his truck. Probably be a good night to get the fireplace going after we finish!

And if Sunday's going to be as nice as forecast, I have a very willing dance partner in the garage who wants to get out and kick up her heels. Gives me a good excuse to test my new steering wheel.....


  1. The rain is welcome! Light drizzle here and 54° on the balcony. I will enjoy sleeping with a window open and the a/c off.

    1. Us, too! Nothing beats fresh air at the correct temp!

  2. Great news on the fire! Go have fun!!!

    1. We got 1/2" of rain the last two days, so it's pretty much an "Ex Fire". Just hoping it clears up for Sunday! I won't drive the car in the rain, but if I get caught in the rain, I'll pull over over and wait it out.
      Besides, I haven't put the wipers back on.....!


Keep it civil, please....

Happy Birthday to Ms. Swan

   She's 40 years old this month. I go by the door tag that says she was built in March, 1985, but I've never tried to dig deeper t...