Sunday, September 25, 2022

Fabulous Fall Day

 Some of the trees are showing signs of turning, but they're not in their Fall colors yet. 

This is from two years ago. We have Bumper Crops of pine cones in the pine trees, maple seeds in the maple tree, and crab apples from the crab apple tree. Should be a good feed for the squirrels this year!


But it was in the 70's, sunny, with gentle breezes blowing, so let's hit the road!

Took the car up by Laporte to scout for Bingham Hill Road, which I found, but couldn't make the turn due to inattention at the time, so it's on the list for the next cruise. The old car is running MUCH better with fresh gas in it, and any roughness under load, and the slight misfire at idle it had, have disappeared. I cleaned all the outside glass with acetone to see if it would help get rid of the road film/overspray/general crud any better than glass cleaner, and it helped tremendously. It didn't get rid of the "Plethora of Pits" in the glass from getting smacked by grit these last 37 years, but it's much, much better than when I first took it out after hibernation. SO....a new windshield is definitely in the cards, and I went through my stash of parts, and found I have four sets of all the required clips and fasteners, and two "cams" used to keep the adhesive away from the interior. Most windshield places I've heard about don't use the dams, and it can result in the urethane windshield adhesive seeping inside of the car. I've got all of the bits I want reupholstered out of the car (door panels and such), and I'm going to take them to Joe's Upholstery for a quote, as he specializes in oddball and old cars. This is a "No Hurry" job, as long as it's done for next Spring. I've heard he has good turn-around time, and reasonable pricing, so we'll see what he can come up with. Last I heard, right before we moved here, was all of the materials are available, as they were widely used in the zillion different models that Toyota made.

Hope y'all have a great upcoming week, and stay safe and observant.


  1. Glad to hear that the old Supra is getting its continued rejuvenation.

    We enjoyed good weather here too, only 96 F. as I grilled a couple of Beef Tenderloins steaks out back. We should be getting Fall weather as soon as second spring is done with us in a couple of weeks.

    1. Yeah, it's running great. It turned over 169,000 miles when I was out in it. We're definitely in Fall now, with 40's at night, and 70's~80's during the day. I'm sure we'll get another hot spell before things close down until Spring.

  2. Nice day here in Greeley. Tomorrow is a 370 mile loop into Nebraska. The mechanic fixing my pickup has been hit with migraine headaches. Told me right now if he worked 24 hours a day he would have one month's worth of work. Decision time. With all the work my "part time" job is giving me, will have options. I want the Mitsubishi running by winter.

    All the good shops around here are jammed. With the price/availability of new cars many folks are deciding to keep their current rides running. Can't say I blame them.

    1. What year is the Mitsu? Could you get collector car plates for it?

    2. 1986. Doesn't qualify. Has a broken rocker arm.

    3. Are parts available? Have you tried Rock Auto?

  3. The front range in CO. can be a beautiful place in the fall. It was a whole lot nicer when I was a kid there 50 years ago.

    1. I would have like to have seen it in the 1970's when I was in my 20's. It was always about half the size of the city I grew up in until the late 1980's, when it exploded.

    2. Went to grade school in Longmont in the 60's and graduated HS in 75 near Berthoud. Try to get back for my HS reunion every 5 years....with my 50th slated for 2025. Most of my family still lives around Loveland/Greeley. My mom's 90th birthday should be the same weekend as my reunion in 2025. I expect she'll still be going strong then. I enjoy the visits but miss how things were back then.

    3. I keep in touch with friends I grew up with. They tell me I'd be very sad if I came back and saw how far the city has slumped. Based on their reports, I tend to agree, so I haven't been back since 1991.


Keep it civil, please....

Happy Birthday to Ms. Swan

   She's 40 years old this month. I go by the door tag that says she was built in March, 1985, but I've never tried to dig deeper t...