Monday, July 25, 2022

Still Here, Still Busy.....

 Been keeping quite occupied doing Grandpa stuff, yard work, and stereo repair. I'm just about finished with the transport mechanism in the Pioneer cassette deck I bought a while back, and it's been tedious, exacting work. It's the first "real" cassette deck I've ever worked on at this level, and it's been a good learning experience for future use. Should have some pix tomorrow.

And I've got everything staged for the Great Antenna Installation that'll be coming up in the coming week.

Little Miss Pebbles The Wonder Dog had surgery last Monday to remove a nasty looking growth on her side. Yes, it's The Big C, but the prognosis is excellent for a dog her age, and the Vet said these growths rarely come back at her age, and she should be OK.


TLG has been cruising his electric Batmobile around, and Sunday morning's expedition saw him wearing his full Batman costume while SLW escorted him around.

Y'all take care, and I'll have some posts this week....


  1. Plan on seeing "Big Boy" this weekend? A dental appointment is scrambling my plans.

    1. Not sure if I'll go. I'll have to look at their schedule and the maps to see about what time and where to go watch when they pass through Carr. And I now actually know where Carr is!
      BTW....My son likes his little place. Says it's really quiet, decent neighbors, and close to stores. His truck barely gets warmed up by the time he gets to the yard!

  2. Glad your son's move worked for him. Two miles? Bicycle?

    1. He was thinking bicycle, or electric-assisted bike, or GROAN an electric scooter. I'll do my best to talk him out of that last one....

  3. Unrelated. I was looking at Google map image of.port of los Angeles and notice that the USS Iowa is blanked out of the image. The street view shows it and overlays the walking routes on the ship onto the water....but no ship.....very odd.

    1. That IS weird. You can see some of the mooring lines, but no ship! I'll ask my friends what's going on. The head IT guy there still does consulting for Google, so he might know...


Keep it civil, please....

Sixty-Seven Degrees....<i>In February?</i>

 And it might hit Seventy on Monday. And it's been pretty windy, with wind warnings of sustained winds of 50~60MPH, with gusts to 85+ up...