Monday, June 13, 2022

100 Degrees, 8%, RH and a 10 MPH Breeze. I'm Headed to the Basement!

 Where's always a comfortable 72* +/- 2*, year-round.

I put the RH in italics because I know SiG gets amazed by it.

So, back to the basement. I finally got around to swapping out the "Two Sawhorses and a Door" worktables I'd thrown together a few years ago (that long?) for the new folding leg tables I ordered. I kept the doors to put on the new tables as a pound-the-snot-out-of-it work surface, and been getting the "Electronics Lab" back together and recommissioned again.

 Gives me more elbow room, and gets a lot of things off the floor. I'm already regretting getting 4' long table for the side table, so I'll get a 6' long one, and keep this one for the other side.

I'll rearrange things on the left side of this worktable, and put the 4' table there.

When I get to it.....

Have to make a dump run tomorrow, and run some errands. 

Which means I'll get BillB's package to FedEx, finally! It's sitting in the truck as I type this, Bill, so it'll be outta here tomorrow afternoon!


  1. About 2230 we got a 40 mph blast but no moisture.

    1. Around 2030 here the wind changed to NW and kicked up to 20MPH or so, and the temperature dropped from 85 to 70. The barometer started going up, along with the humidity, so yep, a front went through. Supposed to start heating up again on Thursday, and some monsoonal moisture will come in.

  2. Wow! We didn't get any higher than 100 here today in the Sonoran Desert. Although two days ago we had about 1/10 inch of monsoon rain. We need more.

    Good job on the workshop mods.

    1. The only way I could get what I really want is to build it, or have it built. Building it myself would take me too much time, and having it built is way too expensive. So, I get by with what I have. I'm going to install some track lighting over the bench, as all I have now are recessed, but "aimable" floods for the bookcase. I need more light to be comfortable!

  3. My neighborhood in Kansas City peaked at 3:54 pm Monday (6/13/22 ) with a temperature of 100.2 with a humidity at that point of 42% and a heat index of 111. I would have loved to have had a humidity of only 8%. That would be much closer to what I experienced back in Amarillo and would have been much more bearable when I was outside working on my son's car.

    1. If you're in the shade here, 100* is tolerable. You just drink lots of extra water to keep hydrated. Being in the full sun, at 5100' here, is brutal.....

  4. It's all looking good, drjim. Glad you have a basement to stay cool.
    You all be safe and God bless!

  5. You're in mountain shadow which is why your RH is so low...

    1. It's also why rain and snow tends to miss us at times. The weather patterns are extremely variable here. WSF tells me there are something like seventeen micro-climates between Denver and the Wyoming border.

  6. My wife and I used to joke that no matter where else we went in the country, we'd get chapped lips.

    It has to be the humidity. It's one of Florida's main exports.

    1. :-).....And in the Winter, when it drops to about zero-point-zip, you get nosebleeds.... Most people, myself included, have no idea what "Arid" means. Well, CapnBob does, but he lives in the desert....

    2. True. Since I moved from Amarillo to Kansas City, I don't get nearly as many winter nosebleeds.

    3. First Winter I was here it really bugged me, but it's gotten less as I've been here longer. Guess I blew out all the weak blood vessels!

  7. I won't lie, I'm jealous of your basement setup, nice. A pleasant 80 something here today but 102 tomorrow. Kyrie. Good thing energy's so cheap. Grrrrrr.

    1. No need to be jealous, Parson. It photographs nicer than it is! I have clutter everywhere to the point it slows my work pace down. Getting some better tables is the first step to cleaning up my (basement) act!


Keep it civil, please....

Sixty-Seven Degrees....<i>In February?</i>

 And it might hit Seventy on Monday. And it's been pretty windy, with wind warnings of sustained winds of 50~60MPH, with gusts to 85+ up...