Thursday, May 19, 2022

Batten Down The Hatches!

 'Cuz here it comes.....

The Winter Storm Advisory went to a Winter Storm Watch, to a Winter Storm Warning, in the last 24hrs.

The temperature dropped about 30* in 20 minutes, along with a rise in humidity, and a change of wind direction, indicating the leading edge of the front came through.

And we did our best to cover up all the pretty little plants that SLW has been nursing along in the front garden area.

Friday will be rain changing to snow, and a Very Good night to stay in. I reloaded the wood holder alongside the fireplace with some apple and ash, along with some "pallet wood" which burns really hot, and gets the hardwood going. Friday evening/night we get clobbered with between 3" and 9" of snow, so we're going to watch a movie, and enjoy the fire.

Heavy, WET snow, that causes damage. One year we came out here the day after a late Spring snow like this, and the National Guard was out helping to collect all the broken trees and limbs. The homestead up in the canyon is expecting 10~12" total, based on past experience.

Promises to be an interesting weekend...

Y'all be safe out there!


  1. Wow. God watch over you all. Be safe and God bless.

  2. Colorado. Defroster in the morning, a/c in the afternoon. My only planned excursion is about four miles to a mechanic that can get my truck to pass emission (hopefully). Can't skip that appointment.

    1. Yep! Welcome to "Spring In The Rockies"! Good luck with Max. Hope it passes.

    2. Don't know how old your truck is WSF, but here in (too) sunny Texas after 10 years we don't have to get the emissions checked with only a "safety check" done. It is Colorado with the new Blue stuff running rampant.

    3. When I had the Supra smogged here they complemented me on how clean it ran. Kinda surprised me because it was pass/fail/pass/fail when it got tested in SoCal.

  3. Damsel and I are keeping you guys in our thoughts and prayers.

    1. Thanks. You can never have too many prayers!

  4. Just looked at the Intellicast radar at 0820 your time. You guys are starting to get it. Wow heavy snow this time of year. Drjim, you and yours be safe in the mess.

    1. Temperatures dropped over FOURTY degrees in 30 minutes yesterday about 1900 when the first front came through. We got about .1" of rain. As of 1245 local, it hasn't started snowing yet, but the forecast is now for 6~10" of snow here.
      Yep, gonna be a real mess this afternoon.

  5. Replies
    1. Hopefully you guys will get some of this rain....


Keep it civil, please....

Sixty-Seven Degrees....<i>In February?</i>

 And it might hit Seventy on Monday. And it's been pretty windy, with wind warnings of sustained winds of 50~60MPH, with gusts to 85+ up...