Monday, May 17, 2021

RAIN! And a Prayer Request for Our Daughter-In-Law and Her Unborn

 And quite a bit today, about .2", which puts us at .5" for the month. 

Also had some small hail, but nothing like we sometimes get.

Hopefully we'll have a good rainy season here this year, and get the reservoirs up.

The prayer request is for our Daughter-in-law, who's now in her 5th month. She's under more stringent medical guidance after her first pregnancy, and she had an ultrasound last week that revealed a disturbing item. The umbilical cord is not centered in the placenta like it normally is, and as a result the restriction, the baby is only about 50% of the size he should be now.

I'm not sure what the prognosis is for this condition, but it's serious enough that my Sweet Little Wife asked me to ask my friends to pray for her.

Thank you all.....


  1. That makes me sad for her, SLW and you.

    Yes, prayers for health and safety for both of them.

    1. Yeah, everything seemed to be OK, and then she had the ultrasound. The prenatal, neonatal, and premature infant care are excellent here, so we have that going for us.

  2. You and yours are in our thoughts and prayers, Jim.

  3. My wife likes to have names to pray for .
    Make one up if you have to.
    But you have our prayers.
    Please keep us informed.
    Father, please keep this mom and her child protected and well.
    Bless them with length of days and the love and care of family for years to come. In Jesus' Name.

    1. I'm sure if you pray for "Baby P", He will hear you...

      Thanks, Ed. After her first-born was 10 weeks early, we were praying for this one to go smoothly.

  4. Rest assured of my prayers.

    1. Thanks, LSP. For some reason your comment was waiting approval, and I just found it.


Keep it civil, please....

<i>Tonight's Weather from Fort Collins....</i>

 And YOWZIR! It's gonna be COLD the next few days. We've had a night here and there that were below zero, but this week should break...