Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Thought for the Day for All Those "Special" Little Snowflakes Out There.....

Courtesy of a buddy on the FarceBook "Friends of SAC" page....


  1. The pathetic little progs wouldn't last ten minutes in the real world. They need to dig deeper little hidey holes where they can curl up in a fetal position and suck their thumbs.

    1. I doubt if they'd last FIVE minutes, LL!

  2. Made me think of my grand kids living in English Village, Dugway Proving Grounds, UT.

    1. Didn't have a gas escape from there that killed a bunch of sheep?

    2. Back in the 60's. The area where it happened wasn't fenced. Sheep were grazing where they shouldn't - lazy stock growers. Pilot missed his drop zone by a tad.

    3. Sounds about what I remember....

  3. I didn't grow up on a base, but I was born on an Army base, and spent a couple years inside a gated wall overseas. Probly not the same, but it's all I've got. :)

    1. One of my best friends was a Navy brat, but wound up in the Army. He'd enlisted in the Navy, and got his greetings from Uncle Sam the same day after he returned home from the Navy recruiter!

      Since the Army's notice had been mailed almost a week earlier, the Navy let him go, and he wound up in the Army as an electronics instructor.

  4. My father was a B-17 pilot during WWII, flying missions over Germany from Eye Airfield, in Britain. He finished college after the end of WWII, then re-enlisted (got a commission) with SAC. I was born in Houston when he was stationed at Ellington (I think that was where he flew B-47s, which he hated), and then March Air Force Base near Riverside, CA, where he was flying B-52s (and where - in Riverside - my younger sister was born). He resigned his commission Dec '54, due to my mother telling him he either resigned or she would divorce him (he should have stayed in ;-)

    1. Back when I lived in Illinois, I met a few B-17 and B-24 pilots.

      NONE of them wanted anything to do with airplanes after WWII, and most of them even hated flying on the commercial airlines.

      Thank you father for his service if he's still with us.

      Those guys were brave men to get in those things and fly them the way they did, getting hammered by fighters and flack.

      Truly brave men....


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