Friday, May 19, 2017

I Finally Get To Meet Little Noah!

And my wife said I was holding him"Like you were afraid you'd break him"!

Yeah, well.....if I broke him he's one of the few things I couldn't fix on the spot, so yeah, I was pretty careful with him!

He's still on supplemental Oxygen (the tubes by his little head), and wired up to the monitor (wire by his little foot), which you can see behind on the shelf.

Sunday and Monday we'll be driving around with realtors to look at properties. My wife has two weeks left at work before she retires, and then we'll kick it up to warp speed to get the house ready for sale.

Now she's thinking we'll be out of Kommiefornia in September. If I would have suggested that time frame even a few months ago she would have slapped me silly.

Oh, well......

eBay sales over the past couple of weeks went very well, and the Radio Room is about half cleaned out now. As soon as we get back I have several more "basket case" radios I'll drag out of the garage and photograph so I can list them. They're all in good condition, in various stages of restoration, and I'll list them as such. Most of the "hard to do" repairs are (properly) finished on them, and for a couple it's simply a matter of reassembling the box of parts that will sell with each, so several people will get some bargains.

We're also planning on having a yard sale, but I think she's expecting *me* to provide the bulk of the items!

She was looking at my 8' tall Glen Martin tower with the azimuth/elevation rotors on it the other day and said something like "You're not planning on taking that thing when we move, are you?", to which I replied "Only if YOU'LL replace it when we get there!".

After she found out the tower, rotors, thrust bearing, mast, and assorted stainless hardware I used to build it would cost, oh, say $2000 to replace, she backed right off. She remembers me building it, how happy I was to get the rotors working with laptop control, and how much I used it for Field Day and other operations. She had no idea what it all cost, and still doesn't realize that some of things I have, and she sees me use, are sometimes irreplaceable, and a bit pricey if I did have to replace them. This has been an ongoing issue between us in "deciding" what's going with us, and what *I* have to dump to keep her happy.

Oh, well.......I'm sure our little house in Long Beach will sell pretty quickly once we put it on the market.

At this point the concept of "Logistics" is finally dawning on her.....


  1. She can take your Glen Martin tower when she pries it from your cold, dead fingers...

    Glad to hear that little Noah is doing well and that you didn't break him.

    1. Hey, it's a vital piece of my "Emergency Communications Equipment"!

      I remember the first time I brought some radio gear over. Using my little Elecraft K2 and a Buddipole, I talked to a guy in Japan, and then a guy in Hawaii.

      She was quite impressed....

  2. Good on ya Gramps!

    Even though I think little kids are made of some kind of rubber like material, there's no point in taking any chances eh?

    So what's this Ebay stuff?
    You have anything cheap that a complete novice could play with?

    1. I'll go through my stuff and see what I have. Most of what I'm selling are "Restoration Grade" radios, which means they need some amount of repair.

      What are you looking for, just a receiver?

    2. That would probably be best, I'm a complete Noob so something simple would work.
      Let me know when you get some time. In the mean time savor the visit while you can over everything else!

  3. One time, facing an 800 mile relocation, we bought a city delivery truck. It was an International with a 24' box. We loaded it at our pace, paid a few dollars to park it in a nearby secure location, and were able to sell it at a small profit after the move. Much cheaper than a rental.

    One drawback was a 5 speed transmission and gearing setup for city use. By the time I rowed it from SLC to Seattle I was wishing for a two speed rear axle.

    1. Hmmmmm....that *might* be worth looking into. There's 3 acres at the house in Bellevue where we're free to store stuff, and the DIL's father and mother both told us they have lots of space available on other properties they own that's available for us to use. The little "bachelor pad" apartment in the shop area in Bellevue is almost finished being refurbished, so we'll have a place to stay after we sell the Kalifornia house and get outta Dodge.

      And I helped them today do some fencing repairs to keep the rabbits out of the garden area, so I'm rapidly accumulating "bonus points".

  4. There are very few things in life that beat holding a new grandbaby for the first time. Especially a grandbaby who has struggled to live. Really happy for Noah and his grandparents. :)

    1. Grandma helped give him his bath tonight, and get him in his sleepers, and she was positively radiant!

  5. Glad the little one is doing better! And yes, 'logistics' is the new order of the day... And yes, that 'junk' of yours isn't... LOL

    1. He's getting bigger and more alert every day. 7lbs 15oz as of last weigh-in!

      "One Man's Trash" and all that!

  6. Showed pic to XYL. She said, "He is cute. And so is the baby." J/K :)
    Actually she has been following along every step and we are both so happy everything is working out for him.

    1. If she thinks I'm "cute" I suggest a visit to the Optometrist!

      He just loves it when Grandma holds him.

  7. Tell her you need all your radio stuff in case of a national emergency.
    You and Noah look quite good together. I bet before long he will grow like a weed!
    God bless.

    1. See my reply to LL!

      His Daddy is in to weightlifting, and has already bought him a set of "Baby Barbells"!

      I, of course, will provide things like his first tool kit, and first radio....

    2. Of course! And you'll teach him how to take it apart and put it back together, too!

      Hopefully the national emergency will be a long way off; but with socialist liberals now days, who knows?

  8. First time here, and dang sorry it took me so long...
    Grandbabies are the best! Little Noah is a cutie. I have six and got to be there for the birth of all but the last one, a really, really preemie. Fit in my son's hand, she did. She went bear hunt'n this weekend.
    Best of luck with the moving!

    1. Noah was 10 weeks early, and weighed a little over two pounds at birth. His Daddy could easily hold him in one hand.

      I'm sure in a few years he'll well on his way to being a big strong guy!

    2. Miss B was barely 2 pounds, she has come a long way. Is smart as a whip, and gets around pretty darn good for a kid with CP.
      Blessed be Noah!

  9. Beautiful pic! God speed on your exit from kommiefornia...

    1. Thanks, Parson!

      We met with a realtor this morning for about an hour, and tomorrow we're going out looking at several properties.


Keep it civil, please....

<i>Tonight's Weather from Fort Collins....</i>

 And YOWZIR! It's gonna be COLD the next few days. We've had a night here and there that were below zero, but this week should break...