Friday, February 17, 2017

It's Raining Cats and Dogs!

Or so says my weather station.

Rain was supposed to start last night at 1900, then the rolled it back to 2200, but it didn't start until about 0600 this morning.

As of right now (1522 PST) we've picked up about .65", and it's cominf down in sheets.

I'd give you a wind speed report, but it looks like my anemometer has decided to take the day off, and I'm not going outside to even check it, let alone attempt a repair!

This screen shot show the current NWS weather radar image:

And this one shows the sat image:

So as you can see, whe're in the middle of a storm cell, with more coming.

The barometer is dropping like a rock, currently at 29.30. and it promises to be a pretty wet and windy night.


We've received 1.7" as of 1645, and the rain rate is now 2.40" in/hr.

"Lake Long Beach" is coming back for a return engagement.....


  1. The backyard is starting to fill again, but hopefully the rain will taper off tonight before it floods as bad as it did last time.

  2. At least you are not near that dam up at Oroville that they are afraid will let go and wash everybody away!

    I like the weather station idea. I looked into buying one I saw on line, then I realized that there is a guy on that Wunderweather or whatever they call it that has a full station, and I can look up my microweather by going to his web page.

    I sure hope you don't have any water damage.

    1. This storm hit fast and dumped about 4" of water total. The yard was drained out this morning, and although the water had puddled in the backyard, nothing got in the garage or anywhere else.

      It was more an annoyance down here, and the poor dog held her own water in for about 12 hours!

      I could hear her sigh of relief when she finally went out in the yard last night!

      Yep, she's spoiled, alright. I'm not sure what she'll do in Colorado when it snows, or when she sees some wildlife for the first time....


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