Tuesday, August 2, 2016

"Phase 1" Painting Finished

Living room and dining room areas are done, and put back together.

Kinda shot the "Working on my Supra all weekend" plans, but, sigh......

Not sure what the wife has planned next, but I'm sure it will be another "Big Deal".

Going to a meeting tonight of the Los Angeles Area Council of Amateur Radio Clubs, which is an organization composed of all the Ham Radio clubs in the area. I'm the rep for the Battleship Iowa Amateur Radio Association, so I get to go to attempt to keep BIARA informed of future plans.

LAACARC is the group that puts on HAMCON in SoCal every few years. Since one of the clubs has backed out this year, we'll be hosting it again at the end of 2017. I'm planning on being out of here by then, but I'll help right up until we move.


  1. You knew the car wasn't going to get done...LOL

  2. Tell me about it.....

    She has a tendency to start these projects right when I'm in the 'middleof something.

    The last time was a couple of years ago when I was smack dab in the middle of Field Day preps, and she decided that the bathroom just HAD to be redone....


Keep it civil, please....

Fifteen Years of Wedded Life....

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