Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Oh, Boy.....Wife Got In Another Accident

She's OK, and the car isn't too badly damaged.

She was coming home from visiting her brother (great guy!) who's in the hospital, and was coming in to our little neighborhood when she got "gently" T-Boned in the passenger side.

She was making a left turn, with the sun to her back, and another car, with the sun in his eyes, didn't see her until he was about 20 feet away. He locked 'em up, put down about 15 feet of skid marks, and slid into her. Got the front passenger door pretty good, but it was all above the rocker panel, so hopefully no serious structural damage.

They both said they didn't see each other, and having turned left at that corner many times, I can understand it.

We dropped the car off at the body shop this morning, picked up her rental car, and she went in to work, while I'm staying home.

There were several witnesses who saw the whole thing, and they all agreed it was unfortunate, but probably unavoidable due to the traffic and angle of the sun in everybody's eyes.


  1. Yeah, cars can mostly be repaired...people can't always get fixed. Good to hear she is well!

  2. She was pretty shook up about it, and it took me a while to calm her down.

    Spent the morning running around getting things taken care of. Dropped the car off at the body shop, then dropped her off at the rental car place, then spent some extra time on the phone with the insurance company.

    Don't have an estimate yet, but I'll bet it's north of $5k.

  3. Bless her. My wife's nickname is Accident Annie.....

  4. I am glad to hear that other than her nerves your wife is fine.

  5. Ouch! Glad she's okay, and you need to move that bullseye to somebody else's car... sigh

  6. She's having a lot of muscle stiffness and some pain, and has BIG bruises where the shoulder/lap belt were resting on her when she got hit.

    The insurance company declared it was her fault (I figured they would), and her rates are going up $39/month for the next six years.

    The damage estimate on the car is $7000. They're going to replace both doors, the rocker panel, the pillar between the doors, and the front fender.

    I saw NO reason to replace the front fender except that most body shops lack qualified, experienced people who can straighten a panel. I'll bet a REAL body man could fix the rear door, too, as it looked like minor damage to me.

    I wondered about the pillar between the doors, so if they're replacing it, it's bent enough they felt they couldn't pull it back into position properly.

    The rocker panel didn't seem to have any damage to it, but again, very few body shops have people that can fix things; they'd much rather replace them..

    I just hope they put new parts on. I'm going to inspect the car very carefully when we get it back, and if I see used parts on it, I'm going to scream bloody murder to the insurance company.


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