Thursday, April 14, 2011

25,000 Visits!

I just checked my sitemeter page, and I see I've gone slightly over 25,000 visitors.
While I'll never get to the numbers that some of my friends out here have, it's gratifying that enough people have stopped by to let me achieve this.
Either that or I'm a terrible writer, and people come by to use me as an example of how NOT to blog!
Off to the dentist...I was chewing on a caramel last night, and I popped a cap off one of my molars. Hopefully my dentist can just glue it back on without any other work.


  1. CONGRATS! Keep it up! I enjoy your Blog. Good luck with the cap, I think I put my dentist's kids through college!

  2. Good work, sir - please keep at it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yeah, they sure can be expen$ive!

  5. Congrats my friend.
    Why to go with the good work. As I tell myself often as I look at my measly stats -- quality of visitors is more important than quantity.

    Unfortunately, I probably count for the quantity over here :)

  6. Congrats! Keep it up, I was there not so long ago...


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