Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

To any and all female readers of this little blog.

It's also my first wedding anniversary to the wonderful gal I married after being divorced and on my own for 16 years.

Took a long time to find her, but she's a keeper! something NICE for your wife or girlfriend today, please?
It's not being a wimp, a wussy, or showing you're pwocked.
It's called being a gentleman, an appellation that really used to mean something in the old days.
I know so because I read it in a Jeff Cooper book, OK?
Flowers, candy, a card, whatever. Just do something for her that you wouldn't ordinarily do, even if it's the dishes, a load of laundry, or vacuuming the house.
Trust me, she'll appreciate it!


  1. I would if I HAD somebody to give a card to... I'm on the road WAY too much... Enjoy the day and have fun with the YF.

  2. Thanks!
    We're going out for dinner at this knock-out Greek cafe we had cater our wedding. Great food, great service, good prices, just about perfect!


Keep it civil, please....

Fifteen Years of Wedded Life....

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