Saturday, January 31, 2009


Just did my taxes for the year, and I'm PISSED! Turns out I fall into the "Highly Compensated Individual" category, and I'm capped at $5000 for my IRA. So I have to pay a freakin PENALTY for saving TOO MUCH! Then since I put it into a 401(k), if I take it out to get rid of the penalty, I get clobbered with a shitload of other taxes and penalties.
Yeah, I know, "Consult A Tax Expert before You Proceed", but you'd think your employer would make you aware of this shit before encouraging you to sign up for the max.
I dropped my contribution to the level that will contribute $5k, and I'll worry about it later.
Makes you want to just stuff it in a mattress.....
And yes, I count my blessings, and I'm extremely grateful I even have a job in this climate. I just wonder how much Dear Leader MAObama will be jacking up the taxes on people like me so he can "Spread The Wealth".....

Fifteen Years of Wedded Life....

   Was celebrated yesterday. My Sweet Little Wife, knowing me rather well, decided to get married on Valentine's Day so I'd never fo...