Friday, January 17, 2025

Tonight's Weather from Fort Collins....

 And YOWZIR! It's gonna be COLD the next few days. We've had a night here and there that were below zero, but this week should break the record for the season

Started snowing around 1700, and now at 2140, we have a good 3" on the "Snow Table", and it's still kinda-sorta snowing. Looks like dry, fluffy snow, and it's going to stay that way. Should be easy going for the Ariens tomorrow.

Took advantage of the 60* ( ! ) weather the last few days and knocked out some yard work. Got the Big Back Gates secured properly for winter weather, and cut six more logs up and stacked them in the garage. After they finish drying (Reeeeal fast here with the low humidity) I'll split them up for the wood box. I'd really like to find a place where I could get some "logs" about 6~10" in diameter and 6~8' long. I can cut them to 18" lengths for the fireplace, rack 'em in the garage, and split-as-needed, which is what I've been doing with the huge limb that came down from out Ash tree in the back yard. Geez....We've gotten four years worth of firewood from that fall!

Annnnnnd.....Work continues on the Fisher, with another post in the works. That thing has some very poor design and layout issues, other than the low cost capacitors they used.

And it takes some and digging around when the Service Manual is wrong, the parts called out on the schematic don't match the parts in the Parts List, and some other things.

Take care of yourself, take care of each other, and keep that head on a swivel!


  1. When I was a kid there in the 60's my dad owned a hobby ranch just south of the Del Camino exit east of Longmont. I can remember one winter there the mercury hit 24 below.

    1. I think we've seen 15~18 below, but not for the last two winters.

  2. I fed our fireplace with tree debris. On the way home I'd notice some decent oak or hickory or other hardwood all piled on the side of the road. Either snag them right there or come back with the chainsaw.

    Never ever had to buy firewood.

    I also picked up bunches of small diameter sticks and made tinder bundles all tied up with cotton twine. I'd be able to do about 30 bundles just from branch debris on the lawn.

  3. I saved everything bigger than about 2" from the apple tree we had some work on, but I didn't save any ash that small.
    And I'd say this will last us the rest of this winter, and into the next, so I have to get some wood this summer.

  4. My hope this time around the pipes don't burst in our building like the last two Christmas Eves. My apartment has never flooded but the damn fire alarm goes on for what seems forever. Drives Banner bonkers. The fire department take their own sweet time turning it off.

    1. I still pit the little Styrofoam covers on ours even though we have the "freeze proof" outdoor faucets.

  5. It's supposed to get down to 30F, or so, here in Wickenburg tonight. That's VERY cold for us desert dwellers. We don't envy y'all up there in the Colorado Arctic.

    1. Awwww....You Get Used To It as some people say. I grew up in Northern Illinois and we could get some brutal Winters. Not so bad here.

  6. If you're stacking the wood in the garage, be VERY careful with it (termites, ants, other) to make sure you don't get the house infested with pests...

    1. Yep, had it happen the first time I stored it in the garage. Had a whole pile of very dead bugs in that corner of the garage. Now I use a stiff brush to knock any dirt, mud, bugs, loose bark, and other crud that gets on it. No termites here (too cold), and the ants seem to stay outside, but we do have Black Widow spiders and some other nasties living here.


Keep it civil, please....

<i>The Fiser Saga:</i> Power Amplifier Autopsy

 Yeah, it's been a few weeks, and a busy time it was with the gorgeous weather we've had for the last week. And then I got clobbered...