Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Oh, Lord.....What Hit Me?.....

 Picked up SLW about half-past midnight at DIA on (early) Friday morning from a trip to see one of her friends in SoCal. She'd been sick her last day there, and was wiped out the next two days "going at both ends", as it were.

Then it hit me Sunday night.

Flat on my back all day Monday, and even now that I'm up and moving, I'm still kinda 'shaky'.

We got our first measurable snowfall last night.  Looks like about 3~4", about 22* outside right now, with an expected low of 5* by early morning.

Time for a mug of hot cocoa, a blanket, and some TV watching time with a nice fire going in the fireplace.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Bob. She's doing much better today, and I'm up and (kinda...) moving around.
      My cup of coffee had definite medicinal benefits today!

  2. You can blame this year's flu on the not-a-vax that so many people got that screwed up their immune systems so they are perfect breeding grounds for the seasonal flus.

    Eh, do what my parents told us to do. Drink lots of liquids, wrap up warmly, go sit in the sunlight and burn that carp out of you.

    1. It took SLW almost three days before she was feeling (somewhat) normal again.
      So far, it only clipped me good for about 36 hours.
      I'm NOT vaxxed.

  3. Right now it is 12° with fog. Broke out the down jacket and it felt good. Banner is eager to wear his sweater when we go out.
    I can imagine SLW's plane ride home wasn't her greatest experience.

  4. At 0030 Wednesday, it's down to ONE degree here. I'd say there's a pretty good chance we'll get below zero tonight.


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