Friday, September 6, 2024

Posting/Commenting Issues Solved.....and One for Phil.....

 By dumping Firefox. I've been using Firefox since Netscape morphed into it, and I've been very content until lately. It started refusing to post comments on any Blogger site due to "Cross-Site Tracking Cookies", and I couldn't even reply on my own blog. It was also running slow, and randomly locking up, sometimes tying up so many System Resources that it was very difficult to use the mouse and keyboard.

So now I've switched over to Falkon, a more "lightweight" browser. And in the middle of this, I did a major OS update, and forgot to plug the PC into the wired network. BAM! Lost my wireless connection, and spent a couple of days getting that squared away. I'd really rather have a wired connection to the router, as I was getting 750MB download speeds with very low latency (no lag monster), and I max out at 25MB on the 2.4GHz wireless link, and 75MB on the 5GHz wireless link. I'll have to check the specs on our 7 year old router, and my equally old wireless adapter and see where the bottleneck is.

And as usual for this time of year, I'm really busy. I have a ton of year-old Didn't Get Done things to take care of, and after all the ups and downs and recovery time of last year I'm making up for it as best I can. Between watching a grandson or two, cutting up a bunch of firewood, yardwork, attending family gatherings, a HoneyDew list that never ends, and working on my own projects.

Repairs on my friend's Fisher SR-2010 are continuing at a slow pace. After finding capacitors in the Amplifier section that were running Danger Close to their maximum ratings I started going through the schematic looking for others, and found half-a-dozen more "At Risk" capacitors, so I'm going to change them, too. They're "$2 Parts that cost $100 to fix", so out they go!

And here's the one for Phil I promised.....

Nice clean, shiny, NEW water pump, timing belt, tensioner, and spring. And everything around them is getting a good scrub, and paint touch-up where required.

I do love working with nice, clean, shiny stuff. Getting here is a lot of tedious, time-consuming work, but oh so worth it.

Enjoy your weekend, use your time wisely, and always stay in Condition Yellow. I have a feeling things might get a bit spicy in the next few months.....I just wonder how BIG a cheat The Evil Ones are planning to pull off come November.......

Posting/Commenting Issues Solved.....<i>and One for Phil</i>.....

 By dumping Firefox. I've been using Firefox since Netscape morphed into it, and I've been very content until lately. It started ref...