Thursday, July 18, 2024

Left Eye Surgery AAR

 Had the lens in my left eye replaced yesterday. All went well, but they didn't put me under as deep before, and the memory is much more vivid than when I had my right eye operated on. The discomfort level was significantly higher than before, so I received extra attention. Turns out there's an abrasion on my left cornea (like a scuffed knee), and every time I blinked, the eyelid rubbing against the abrasion irritated both of them, and it was getting to the Discomfort/Pain Threshold.

Solution? My Doctor installed a contact lens with zero correction to act as a shield. It also helps more of the medicated eye drops stay in place longer, and my eyelid now glides over the scuff with practically zero irritation.


I also had my 30-day post-op exam for my right eye. All is well there, the cornea has resumed a nice, smooth surface, and I'm about 20/25 with no correction. I can easily go without my glasses for about half the time, but I'll still need some correction. Since I LIKE wearing glasses, this is another Win-Win for me. Mebbe I'll get me some 'o them ball-is-tik glasses I hear folks can get now.....

Light posting for a few days whilst I regain my depth perception, but yowzir....things sure are BRIGHT now!

Have a good weekend, keeps your sensors on alert status, and be cool. I know 'ya can!


  1. Do you notice any improvement driving at night?

    1. Other than the increase in brightness and color? Hmmm....maybe a bit of "haloing" when oncoming lights are bright, but that could be due to my glasses being the wrong amount of correction now. SLW was really bothered from that for a couple of months, but it went away.

  2. Complications with the surgery are never good, but it sounds like your Opto figured out a solution.

    My problem was with my right eye and the laser correction in that cornea. Fortunately, that eye is now 20/20.

    I love it when God seems to answer prayers.

    1. Yep, PTL! I never had any laser surgery, I just wore glasses. Too many hours of UV in the air, at race tracks, on the beach, and at-sea. Even though I always wore sunglasses, it still got me.

  3. Replies
    1. Tell me about it! I can finally READ again, and do detail work, like working on electronics stuff, stereos, and the wiring harness on the Supra.

      You still have the Sprite?

  4. Congrats on the second fix - sounds like the contact lens was just the thing that was needed.

    No changes here. I got some new computer glasses recently and find I can wear them all day, for everything. Eye doc says my cataracts are really just barely starting, so no rush. I'm only slightly afraid that if my wife gets hers fixed she's gonna go ballistic when she sees just exactly how crappy I am at cleaning the house!

    1. The temporary lens was "An Order of Magnitude" better on the Comfort Scale. Just got back from having it taken out, and the Doctor said the abrasion had "sealed up", and to use artificial tears every hour or so for the next 24/48 hours to help it along. Right eye is at 20/25, and the left has improved from 20/100 to 20/80, so it's progressing nicely.

      As far as housecleaning goes....well, I don't think it's possible for men to clean house to a woman's satisfaction!


Keep it civil, please....

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