Thursday, July 11, 2024

Egad....'Tis a Trifle HOT This Week

 Or for what's remaining of the week. It was 97* today, and is expected to be 100+ through Sunday. The humidity is only 17%, so you step in the shade and it's bearable, but step into the Sun and YOUCH! It's flippin' HOT. It's nice to dry freshly painted parts in, but just running the parts outside to soak in the Sun makes me burst out in sweat.

SOoooooo...... Since it's a nice, balmy, year-round 73* in the basement, I'll be hanging out down there changing light bulbs and restringing the dial cord on the Fisher, and getting it ready to test.

And cleaning more Toyota parts as time, yard-work, SLW, and grand-kids allow.

Right eye is much better, and the left eye gets revamped next Wednesday. I'm pretty sure I'll still need some correction, but at least I can see and READ again.

Thank you, Lord...

Keep hydrated, use sunscreen and wear a big boonie hat!


  1. It's good to have the house to dwell in during the heat. It's 100 outside at 10:30am here. Only 80 inside. We're expecting a few monsoon days over the weekend and into next week. That should cool things a bit, but the humidity will get up there.

    Good on the eye improvement. Prayers for the procedure next week.

    1. It was about 80* at 0900, and was 95* at 1200. Our peak heat can extend to sunset sometimes. Right now at 2035 it's 81*, on it's way down to the low 50's right before sunrise. It hit 105* today, the yearly high so far.
      Prayers always appreciated, Cap'n! My right eye is pretty much back to "normal", but with greatly improved brightness, color rendition, and resolution. I can tell I'm still going to need some correction, but I *like* wearing glasses, so no issue there. I'm praying the left eye comes out as well as the right one did.

  2. Good points, and you will be AMAZED at how 'bright' it is outside and the colors pop!

    1. Oh, yeah! The increase in brightness is amazing.

  3. Banner thinks the heat is a bummer as I don't let him out on the balcony when it is 80°+. He gets nervous if the door is closed and I don't care to run the a/c nonstop.

    1. And Luna doesn't seem to mind it too much. She goes out on the lawn, lays down under a tree in the shade, and just kind of dozes with her nose into the wind.


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