Thursday, February 8, 2024

Griswold faces crushing defeat to ban Trump from ballot

 Griswold is our Secretary of State here in Colorado, and she's so blue you wonder if she's getting enough Oxygen.

Most of us thought she was NUTZ in banning Trump from the ballot for the upcoming elections, and it looks like the USSC is going to smack her down. Even the libtard justices think she's bat-shit crazy to suggest such a thing.

Read all about it here, on Colorado Peak Politics, a site I visit daily, along with Complete Colorado.


  1. She is a shining example that women can be just as incompetent in public office as any man. Has her sights on the US Senate.

  2. Never count the demonrats out. Just when you think they are licked they find a a sympathetic ear (meaning a complicit judge) and win. Often they win because the GOP is very adept at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

    1. Or get something on them, or just flat out buy them off.

  3. The rumor is that SCOTUS will render a unanimous decision against her. Not holding my breath though with Kagan, Sotomayor and Jumanji Brown's previous opinions.

    1. It just might be unanimous, as they democraps are afraid it would be used against them. As in "NO Presidential candidates with dementia"........

  4. Replies
    1. ....And she has deserved for a good, long time!


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