Monday, January 16, 2023

Winter Storm On The Way

 Supposed to start Tuesday afternoon and go through Wednesday afternoon. Snow fall guesstimates are for 5~8" here, but given the past accuracy, I expect maybe 6".

Snowblower at the ready and my new **HEATED** gloves SLW got me for Christmas are charged and waiting.

ITMT, enjoy one of my favorite songs. It's only three minutes long, but packs a lot into those three minutes.


  1. All day Wednesday here, they're calling for 8-10 inches of "global warming".

  2. We're getting overnight freezing temps here in AZ, but no snow predicted thus far. We're warm and cozy in our little cottage. Except for when Min Pin Cabela and Chihuahua Tucker want to go out, of course.

    The biggest farce of the late 20th and early 21st centuries is climate change due to anthropogenic causes. When the enviroweenies manage to fix the solar influence on climate then we will all be safe from it.

    1. We're all battened down here, plenty of supplies, and just going to wait it out, as usual.

  3. The blizzard just broke in Northern AZ and I see blue sky. All the roads to and from me are closed. Stay warm, DRJIM!

  4. We're in the 70s, but that stuff will get to us Thursday... Brrr...

  5. @LL - 1630 local, and nothing yet. Supposed to start in another couple of hours, and go all night. Snowfall amounts vary between 5~12" for NWS, and 8~10" for the local "Denver and Front Range Weather" guy, who seems a bit more accurate.

    @NFO - Bundle up!

  6. Just finished cleaning off the cars of about 6" of wet heavy snow. Our temps are dropping - about 28° now. The wind is blowing so the cars will still be covered but I won't have 6" of frozen ice on the cars to remove tomorrow.

    1. We had about 6", too. It wasn't very wet, but wasn't fluffy-blow-it-across-the-street dry like earlier in the year.

  7. Great song! I miss snow. We hardly get it anymore. I miss getting snowed in and going on knee deep snow walks. Enjoy it! Build a snowman!


Keep it civil, please....

Happy Birthday to Ms. Swan

   She's 40 years old this month. I go by the door tag that says she was built in March, 1985, but I've never tried to dig deeper t...