Sunday, January 29, 2023

Arctic Cold, and a Big Pile-Up on I-80

 Got down to one degree last night, and it's expected to go down to -5 the next couple of nights. We've had several inches of light, fluffy snow, with another couple on the way. And with the winds, I'm seeing some drifting, which is unusual for "In Town" snowfall.

Oh, and stay off I-80 this time of year......

Today's workshop project, besides all the others in the stack, is finishing up the rebuild of SLW's 1970's Panasonic hand mixer. After 50+ years of use, the gears and motor wre packed full of flour, sugar, and coca powder dust. The grease was nowhere to be seen, and I could barely turn the motor by hand. After complete cleaning and lube, it now spins freely.

And the SX-980 has been happily playing for several days now. Thew alignment and testing are finished, and it easily meets or exceeds the published specifications. 

And it sounds GREAT...


  1. Various Wyoming Sheriffs are posting warnings on Falsebook telling people not to use their GPS alternate routes unless they are driving snow machines.

    1. Yuk-Yuk! Gotta take care of all the newbies who not only can't drive in snow, they don't realize what can happen when you get stuck in this weather.

  2. Saw one screen shot from Point of the Rocks across the Red Desert to Saratoga. Even in the summer I would want a high clearance rig, preferably 4x4 for that trip.

    1. Had to look that up, but from the maps, it looks pretty desolate.


  3. You're staying busy inside - smart.

    1. I have to run out to the grocery store tomorrow, and blow the snow, but otherwise, we stay home, enjoy old movies, popcorn, and home-cooked food.
      We're blessed.....

  4. SLW is lucky to have a handy guy like you around. I'm so handy that Damsel knows when something doesn't work that she needs to just junk it and get a new one. LOL

    1. HAH! I did a test run before I did the reassembly, and the brushes are shot. Thought they had some life left in them, but nope. Now I have to take the brushes and holders (they're one-piece) off so I can get the brush out and find some replacements.
      Ever try and find parts for a 50-year old, inexpensive appliance? Good luck....

  5. And THAT is the reason I live in the south... Brrr... Good job with the mixer! Those old ones are worth their weight in gold!

    1. The cold can be annoying, and the snow hazardous, but it has a beauty all it's own. I've only spent time in the DFW area, but your part of the state has a lot of charm.
      The mixer was one of those "Yeah, I can fix that" projects that now requires some parts chasing to find suitable brushes. It ran, but not very well, so take it apart, measure the old bits, and find some new ones.

  6. drjim, I sent you two emails about a Pioneer Reverb Am; SR-202,, thought you might be interested, Kevin,


Keep it civil, please....

Happy Birthday to Ms. Swan

   She's 40 years old this month. I go by the door tag that says she was built in March, 1985, but I've never tried to dig deeper t...