Saturday, April 30, 2022

Saturday Already??

 Well, having a case of the cruds can make time almost irrelevant.

Since I'm feeling better, I swapped out the wife's snow tires for her summer tires. Should have done it a while back, but one year I did it 'early", and she had some trouble when we got clobbered with a late spring snowstorm. Oh, well.....

And watering and weeding season is upon us. The grass is starting to green, but the "nuked" backyard is having some trouble. The weeds, of course, don't mind the bare dirt; they see it as an opportunity to spread. So I mixed up some Weed-B-Gon, and spot treated all the things that are growing that we don't want. Tomorrow I'll mix up some Round-Up 360 and spray the gravel beds. Damn cottonwood seeds are starting to sprout, and if you don't hit em with a brick, they'll take over.

And on a happier note, the USS The Sullivans has been partially refloated.

Hope y'all have a great weekend, and  be safe this coming week.


  1. Glad you're feeling better.

    Our weeds are also becoming a problem in the landscaped parts of the yard. We don't much care if they grow on the unimproved parts of the yard since that is naked desert. Roundup doesn't touch the heartiest of them, so they need to be pulled. I've done some of it but there is still more to do next week.

    1. We have some "Poison Ivy and Tough Brush" killer that we had to use to knock out a sumac tree/bush/whatever that was taking over part of the front. It's still an organophosphate, but about killing ANYTHING green....!

  2. I wonder who forgot to change the anodes on The Sullivans.

    1. It think it was a bit more than that. From my time spent on The Iowa, you also have to use other Hull Preservation Measures. One thing I didn't know was that right *at* the water line, the hull takes a beating. As the tide goes up and down, this beat upon area expands. We built a cofferdam to attach to the hull and pump out, so the exterior surface in the area can be cleaned and painted. And it's just like painting a bridge; you get to one end, and then start over....

  3. Swapping out for summer tires before Mother's Day? Living large!

    1. Yes, but I will NOT allow SLW to plant anything before then. She did one year, we got slammed with snow, and over $100 worth of stuff croaked!

  4. I need to being my round-up routine. I've put it off.

    1. Get 'em while they're young, and it doesn't take as much. I wind up doing it a couple of times a year, regardless of what Round-Up "360" says. Gotta keep that brush cleared out, LL!


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