Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Ah, Crud......Sinuses Are Killing Me Today

 Work up this morning with a head full of slime, and a mouth as dry as the Sahara from having a plugged nose all night and mouth breathing. Never been accused of being a "Mouth Breather", so it must be a hidden talent.

Had a bunch of TODOS to-do to-day, but it doesn't look like much will happen on that front until to-morrow....

Apologies to BillB for not getting your rotor to FedEx to-day.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Linda.....(cough, cough, sneeze..)

    2. What helps me. https://navage.com/

    3. My Doctor recommended one of those, but I seem to have an aversion to using one. I prefer to stand in the hot shower and inhale the steam. Works wonders....

    4. I'm the same. Just something wrong with squirting water up you nose.

    5. They work very well, according to several people I know, including my Doctor and WSF. I just can't get into pumping water through my sinuses....

    6. Pumping water through your nose is not as bad as it sounds. Had an allergist about 3 years ago ask me to do it because there was thought that I might have allergies. I was hesitant at first, since getting water up my nose when swimming always bothered me, but it wasn't all that bad. You just have to do it correctly.

      The Navage machine looks interesting but is so much more expensive than a simple wash bottle you can get in most drug stores. I make my own salt/sodium bicarbonate mix which does help the cost. Sea salt and Arm and Hammer baking soda work great!

    7. It still just creeps me out.....

  2. We're getting the seasonal allergies down here... sigh

    1. Here, too. I had to get my Flonase back out!

  3. Hate allergies... per NFO, active in Texas.


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