Monday, December 9, 2019

Christmas Clean-Up Time

Since we'll be hosting the clan for Christmas, and I'm sloooooow, I started doing the Christmas Clean-up this week.

The tree is up, the Nativity scene is up, and all the little battery-powered doo-dads my wife likes are up and running.

I'll do the sweeping, vacuuming, and mopping of the tile (we have a LOT of tile) the week before, along with doing all four bathrooms, and the laundry room. The final item to be cleaned up and squared away will be this desk in the sun room where I do my radio and computer ops.

And then there's the basement.....

Since this will take the longest, I started a few days ago, and I've almost got the "workshop" area cleaned up, picked up, and (somewhat) sorted out. I've thrown away a lot of stuff of ambiguous nature, sorted out bags of resistors and capacitors, and moved them to the "parts room", and tripled the size of my "eBay-Sell-It-Pile", which had shrunk to frighteningly small size.

And FOUR large cardboard boxes were sorted, consolidated to ONE medium box, and then flattened out and put in the recycling can.

I can now freely walk around in the workshop area without dodging boxes of "stuff" on the floor. Tomorrow I'll paw through the two small wire racks I have stuff on, get that corner of the shop cleaned up, and I'll be happy.

Had quite a snow show today for a few hours. It was snowing big, fluffy flakes, and it was coming down so hard it was hard to see more than a couple of blocks. But it only stuck where we already had snow left from the big storm before Thanksgiving, and melted immediately on the streets and sidewalks.

And I'm still getting over this low-grade cold. Not coughing or sneezing much, but all stuffy, runny nose, and major case of the BLAAAHS.....

When I finish cleaning the shop I'll post a pic. Time to hit the rack.....


  1. Clean, clean, blah, blah. SNOW MACHINE? :)

    1. Ahhhh.....the Honda was sold a day before I was supposed to go see it.

      Oh, well.....'ya snooze, 'ya lose!

  2. I could have taken the ambitious approach. But I opted to spend Christmas with the kids. No decorations at the mine this year. Maybe next? Yes, it's the lazy man's approach.

    1. I think your grandchildren would be the most beautiful decorations you could have.

  3. I've got two trees up, fir wreaths, and it seems to be the year of the gnomes as far as decorating goes. Who knows why...

    1. I have several little model engines I hang on our tree. A 427/435HP Big Block Chevrolet, a Chrysler HEMI!, and a 427 Ford "FE" engine.

      And a piston, gas pump, and a little Corvette.

  4. Helped set up the community hallway tree, otherwise, Bah! Humbug!

    1. I wasn't "big" on the Christmas decorations and stuff until I married my Sweet Little Wife. She just LOVES the holidays, decorating, having people over, the whole nine yards.....

  5. My wife and daughters do the holiday decorating around our house. I'm a minimalist: perfectly happy with a small (3') tree and a few items here & there. Part of me hopes the girls never move too far away to help.

    1. I help with the heavy lifting, wiring, installing loads of AA batteries, and cleaning.

      She does the rest of the decorating, and I'm fine with that!

  6. Progress is good. And colds SUCK!!! Sigh...

    1. Yeah they do, and this one got worse last night.

      Didn't roll out of the rack until after 1500....

  7. Ya clean your shop drjim and ya ain't gonna find stuff again til ya unclean it... I a, much like Rev.Paul, KISS, "keep it small, simple"

    1. Yeah, but it's finally getting to the point I can live with. I've sorted out 10 large half-filled boxes of mixed "stuff" down into 4 medium boxes that are labeled as to their contents.


Keep it civil, please....

Sixty-Seven Degrees....<i>In February?</i>

 And it might hit Seventy on Monday. And it's been pretty windy, with wind warnings of sustained winds of 50~60MPH, with gusts to 85+ up...