Friday, January 19, 2018

YAY! The Landscape Guys Showed Up!

The landscape guy and his son showed up today about noon, right when he said they'd be here.

He stopped by last week to confirm we still wanted him to do the work, and of course we did.

There's a "river rock" area about 18"~36" wide all around the back yard at the fence line. It even has concrete "curbs"! And it collect leaves and sticks like you wouldn't believe. In the four hours they were here, they cleaned out most of the gravel beds, got ALL of the yard trash that collected around and in the Juniper bushes cleaned up, graded the yard at the new double-wide gate so the gates swing free and easy, and it looks nice. And he took two trailer loads to the dump.

Tomorrow they're going to finish the gravel beds, clean out the window well for the basement egress window, and finish raking up another mountain of trash from the backyard, and get started on the front. They're also getting rid of all the runners and stuff from the various "plants" here that were allowed to run amok.

Next week they'll finish up the Arc Light operation on all the undesired plants, and we'll figure out what we want them to do with the yard other than the typical mow/feed/herbicide/edge and clean up they'll be doing for us. We'll probably have the Juniper bushes around the cottonwood trunk/totem removed, as they're old, ratty, unmaintained, and a couple of them took some big hits when a log (or two) got a bit "loose" on the way down when the tree was disassembled.

For now, we just needed an Industrial Strength clean up operation, and these guys are doing a bang-up job at a very reasonable price.


  1. Good news and good timing. Another storm this weekend.

  2. Yep, just like the new roof.

    My carpenter buddy is free half way through next week, so we're gonna start the on the garage and basement workbenches. After that, the two of us should have a pretty good idea of what I want for the Operating Desk / Station console.

  3. It sounds as if they're keepers.

    I'm very happy that you're happy in Colorado!

    1. He's a pretty cool guy. 3rd generation local, and very conservative. I made a crack about finally having an adult in the White House, and we went off on a 15 minute conservative political discussion.

      These are the kind of hard working people that are MAGA.....

  4. Sounds like they are doing a great job, indeed. Hard to find in this day and age.
    Glad to hear things are going so well. God bless.

    1. All the tradespeople we've dealt with have been excellent. They all tell us they appreciate customers like us who are informed, know what they want, and know their budget.

  5. That's good to hear! Reminds me, I need to call my guy about the fill dirt I need.

    1. Yeah, as we go through the landscaping repair and upgrades we'll need a bunch of dirt, too.

      And a bunch of "river rock".....


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