Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Cruz Suspends Campaign

Trump beat him in Indiana, so Ted's throwing in the towel.

Details on all major news outlets.....

Cartoon courtesy of various places.....


  1. Kasich reminds me of a Cubs fan, sitting in the bleacher seats in the last game of the season. They're 75 games out of first, and he still thinks there's a chance.

    But imagine how John Kasich must be feeling: the RNC told him to stay in the race, and he'd get rewarded in the contested convention. Except that's not going to happen now, and he's twisting in the breeze.

    1. And I heard Kasich also pulled out today.

  2. And the meltdowns are epic... sigh...

    1. I heard a guy on the Iowa today (a staunch Cruz supporter) saying that he was definitely voting for Clinton now, because Trump "scares him"!

      I almost dropped my coffee.....

    2. It gets interesting now. I am literally praying that Trump will prevail, and maybe put us on the right track or at least stave off the rot for a time. But I have bad feeling about Hillary.

  3. If the wave of illegals continues from the south and they get their voting cards, the dems will surely win. This is far from over and it's going to get very ugly. We hafta like think positive, dude.


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