Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Help Save Barrel #270 From The Battleship Iowa

The US Navy has decided to "purge" all remaining materiel in the inventory for the four Iowa class ships.

Were trying to get some of this, and the one thing on the Iowa "Hot List" right now is barrel #270, which was originally installed on the ship in 1942, and saw service in WWII and the Korean Conflict.

This barrel was also the "Lead Barrel" for all of the Iowa ships.

The barrel was replaced in 1955, and has been in storage since then.

The Navy will freely give us the barrel, but we're responsible for getting it from the St. Juliens Creek Naval Annex in Chesapeake, VA to California.

Moving a 70' long, 120 ton item from coast-to-coast isn't exactly easy, and the estimated cost of constructing a cradle and moving the barrel is between $120,000 and $150,000.

So far we've raised only $500, so we have quite a ways to go.

I don't think I've ever directly solicited funds here for any reason, but I am now.

If you can spare $5, $10 or whatever, please go to the fund raising site and donate what you can.

If we don't save it, the Navy will torch it into 8' long sections, and sell it for scrap.

Here's the Fund Raising Site, and more information can be found at:


Thanks, everybody!


  1. If we save it, can we mount it somewhere pointing towards someplace infested with liberals and then shoot it a few times?

    1. Well.....we'd need breech and recoil mechanisms, and some way to elevate it.......

      How much powder you got??


Keep it civil, please....

<i>The Fisher Saga</i> Continues - Act III -

 Been working on this post since right after Thanksgiving. I'm making very good progress on the Fisher, and will most likely power it up...