Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Another BUMP!

We just had a 4.1 at the same location as the one Sunday night. Wasn't nearly as strong, but enough to get my attention.
Out here, if they're less than a "3", they don't even make the news!


  1. Heh- yeah, I was in NORCAL for the 89 quake, they stopped reporting anything under 5.0 two days later. A week later we were STILL having 3.0-4.0 aftershocks!

  2. I think earthquakes and tornados are the worst. You never know when they're coming and how bad they may be.


Keep it civil, please....

Carolina In the Pines

  She came to me, said she knew me Said she'd known me a long time And she spoke of being in love With every mountain she had climbed...