Sunday, February 2, 2025

Sixty-Seven Degrees....In February?

 And it might hit Seventy on Monday. And it's been pretty windy, with wind warnings of sustained winds of 50~60MPH, with gusts to 85+ up around the Colorado/Wyoming border.

The dog sure loves it as she can sit outside, pull her ears back, half close her eyes, sit into the wind, and sniff, sniff, sniff about as long as she wants to.

Picture from November:


Had the windows open to air out the house, and even did a bit of yard work, and admired the new fence. Yes, the installers used metal poles, like for a chain-link fence, dug the holes with a little tow-along auger, and set them in with QuickCrete, plumb-lines, and levels. The next day they hung the new panels, and cleaned up the remaining bits and pieces of the old fencing.


Looks nice, but I see I forgot to secure one of my radials to it.

And work continues on the Fisher receiver, with a big post to follow.

Hope you all had a blessed, peaceful Sunday, and stay in Condition Yellow.....


  1. Colorado, where you use your rear defrost, heater, and A/C all in the same day. Much different winter this year than last.

    1. Yeah, home of the "Layered Look". I think we maybe have a total of 8" so far. I'll have to add a column on my weather station software to add a "Snowfall" column where I can manually enter the snow I measure on the glass patio table. Turns out it's the right size to use to make snowfall measurements!

  2. Wickenburg is slated for 80F. tomorrow. It was 72 today which is not unusual for this time of the year. Last week, however, we had hail and rain and highs in the 50s. If you don't like the weather here, then just wait a couple of days.

    1. Here it's "If you don't like the weather drive a couple of miles....".......I've been two miles away getting pounded by rain and hail, and we never had a drop here at the house.

  3. It is a great looking fence.
    We are having temps up to the 80s the end of the week already, here in Louisiana.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. Our share was about $1700. It had to be done. The last remaining section of original fence is the one running on the West edge of our property.

  4. Do I sense metal fence posts? According to my son (and son-in-law) they last a lot, lot longer than the treated (or cedar) wooden fence posts.

    I am following your repair/rebuild of the Fisher receiver. I have a nearly 50 year old Harmon-Kardon stereo receiver that has one channel out. I suspect the power amp. I hope that it follows the schematic much more faithfully than that Fisher.

    1. I didn't really care what they used, as my HF antennas are above that level with elevated radials.

      What model Harmon-Kardon? I might have the Service Manual in my archives.

    2. Yep, I have the operating and service manuals.

  5. I'm kind of surprised that our warm spell is also happening out your way. Our January was cooler than average but nowhere near any records, like in that southern snow and ice storm a couple of weeks ago. We didn't even get below 40 during that.

    1. It hit 70* right at noon, then the next front started coming through, and it dropped to 45* in about 15 minutes. Still forecast to be 50's~60's the rest of the week.

  6. We're supposed to hit high 80s today! Wow...

    1. Yowzir! That's pretty warm for this time of year!


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