Or should that be Odyssey?
You might be thinking that since this was the "Original Problem" that brought it here I would have tackled it first, and I did do some troubleshooting very early on this assembly.
BUT....(always one of those...) when I noticed the underrated capacitors, the extra parts on this board, the out-of-date "Service" Manual that doesn't match the "As Built" configuration, and the tuning mechanism that fell apart in my hand, et al, I knew I needed to address those issues before I continued on.
So I took care of all the other issues this receiver had before going into the Power Amp.
After carefully bringing it up on my "Variac" while monitoring the current (YAY! NO smoke!), I started checking the voltages on all the transistors. ALL of them were way off, indicating some other issues on the board. A search on the AudioKarma forum showed that this is commonly caused by some of the diodes used to bias the transistors were failing. Sure enough, two of the six diodes used were shorted, and both of the 12V Zener Diodes had failed; One shorted, and the other not regulating at 12 Volts. Unfortunately this took out a couple of small signal transistors on the board, so I have to make another trip down Substitution Lane to find some suitable, currently made transistors.
So the work continues, one step at a time......