Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Carolina In the Pines


She came to me, said she knew me
Said she'd known me a long time
And she spoke of being in love
With every mountain she had climbed
And she talked of trails she'd walked up
Far above the timberline
From that night on I knew I'd write songs
With Carolina in the pines

There's a new moon on the fourteenth
First Quarter the 21st
And the full moon in the last week
Brings a fullness to this earth
There's no guesswork in the clockwork
On the worlds part or mine
There are nights I only feel right
With Carolina in the pines

When the frost shows on the windows
And the wood stove smokes and glows
As the fire grows we can warm our souls
Watching rainbows in the cove
And well talk of trails we've walked up
Far above the timberline
There are nights I only feel right
With Carolina in the pines 


 I first heard this song shortly after we moved here. I thought it was John Denver, but it wasn't. I looked and looked and looked, and finally caught enough of the lyrics to Google it, and found out it's by Michael Martin Murphy. You probably heard him do "Wildfire", which was popular.

It's called "Carolina In The Pines", and is now on my playlist.



  1. I had an old MMM CD album that my friend WA6NQO (SK) gave me which had a lot of good stuff on it. It went the way of the Torrance flood in 2014. Fortunately, all of it can be had via various streaming sources.

    1. Ahhh, yes. I remember The Flood quite well. It really nuked the downstairs!

  2. The Peterson's do a nice cover of it.

  3. Replies
    1. It's a sweet little Happy Song, and always makes me smile.

  4. I remember "Wildfire" in 1975. I always thought it was a nice song, even though my taste in music was a bit different back then!

  5. This song, in part, inspired me to go to the mountains. For ten years, I went into the high country of Yosemite. The last days of September, early October I hiked and camped at or above the treeline for up to ten days.

    It snows every month of the year somewhere in Yosemite; late Sept/early Oct come the snows which remain. Early enough to avoid the bitter harsh winter, late enough to enjoy the fullness of autumn. The mountain lakes and streams hold handsome numbers of trout.

    1. We moved here because grandchildren. I've lived on the ocean, and now in the mountains, I'll take the mountains.

  6. My roommate at that time was the drummer in a band which played an exquisite set of MM songs.

  7. Seen MMM perform at the local Civic Center decades ago for a Rural Fire fund raiser. Excellent, wish I could see him again.


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