Tuesday, September 19, 2023

YAWN.... I Gots Nuttin' Today

 Getting over a head cold that hit me last week and has overstayed it's welcome. Still, it's the first "Head Cold" I've had in about 8 months, and coincides nicely with stopping smoking, now six months in the rear-view mirror.

Health continues to improve, and it looks like my blood chemistry has returned to normal. Still on the "Low Normal" side for Sodium, but my Magnesium and Potassium numbers are now in-the-green, and my a1C has dropped to 6.0, which is pretty good. Have to work on building my stamina back, and trying to get my weight back to the range where my Doctor is happy. I was running around 190 Lbs before this last incident, but lost about 15 Lbs in the last month or so. SLW has embraced the "Heart Healthy" cooking philosophy, and so far everything she's made has been great. I'm eating like a horse these days, all healthy stuff, and still can't seem to get my 15 Lbs back. Oh, well, there's worse things that can happen.

Annnnd....still no action on the legal front. I'm getting ready to just walk in to a firm, and offer to pay them for a consultation. I've been "fretting" over this too much, and I'd like to get it settled, or be told "No Case.....".

Overcast, drizzly, and about 70* today, so I haven't done much garage work, and I'll most likely retreat to the basement workshop and chill out with some music. I'm almost to the point where I can paint the new speaker enclosures I've been working on, and then I can load the speakers and crossovers into them, and see how they sound.


  1. Glad to hear that the lab result numbers are coming back into range. As for the Heart Healthy dieting, Damsel and I have been preparing (since late 2018) meals that are not only healthy-ish (we have the occasional decadent diversion) but are delicious to boot.

    1. SLW is a most excellent cook, and can modify recipes on-the-fly. I have more food than I can eat, and the left overs are great.

  2. A1c of 6.0 is great. Good luck gaining the weight back. After a very extended illness I lost down to 160 lbs. It is a struggle to try to regain back to 180, especially without upsetting the diabetes. It has taken me a month to get my stomach stretched back to where I can take in a normal amount of food again after not being able to eat normally for the previous several months.

    1. I just don't have much appetite these days. I don't really "get hungry", but let my glucose level be my guide. When it drops, I eat.

  3. Congratulations on 6 months of no smoking!
    You all be safe and God bless.

  4. Weight? I've several pounds I'm happy to donate.

  5. Take the good and run with it! And yes, get the BS done one way or the other!

    1. Thanks, NFO. I guess I'd just like to see some closure on the incident.


Keep it civil, please....

<i>The Fiser Saga:</i> Power Amplifier Autopsy

 Yeah, it's been a few weeks, and a busy time it was with the gorgeous weather we've had for the last week. And then I got clobbered...