Saturday, September 9, 2023

20 Meter Vertical is Vertical Again!

 Should have had this up a few months ago, but the hip and the other issue kind of slowed me down.

Slid the mast section out of the Rohn 5' tripod I was using, and loosened up the mounting hardware a bit.

After a bit of wrangling it around, it was up solidly.

And it's plumb. The red indicator needle swings back and forth for quite a while, and this was how far the needle was swinging. Average out the swings, and it's as close to 90* as possible.

The plate that bolts on the ground rod, and the "PolyPhaser" surge protector is mounted.

I'm about 85% finished. I have to run a jumper from the choke balun down to the PolyPhaser, and then run the coax to the RF Entrance Box, and I'll be back on the air!


  1. Should be good sunspot numbers and F-layer openings on 20 this fall.. Good luck in the contest, OM. de W7GD -...-.-

    1. Looks good on the DX Clusters, but I couldn't verify it without an antenna!

  2. Looks good!

    I've been playing with ideas about getting on 60m. I've yet to come up with a way use my one vertical without messing up the other three bands I use it on (80, 40, 30).

    1. I've listened on 60M, but never heard much, and have never transmitted on it.

  3. Replies
    1. Yep! I have to make a jumper from the choke balun down to the surge supressor, and then run the coax to the entrance panel. I can make the jumper today, as I know how long it has to be, but I don't feel like running the coax today, as it's going to start raining here shortly.


Keep it civil, please....

<i>The Fiser Saga:</i> Power Amplifier Autopsy

 Yeah, it's been a few weeks, and a busy time it was with the gorgeous weather we've had for the last week. And then I got clobbered...