Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Easy Round Trip to DIA Monday Night

Drove back down to DIA ( or DEN, depending on who you talk to...) Monday night to pick up my wife, and man, what a difference.

Her flight arrived at 2210, so I left at 2030, filled up the car, grabbed a medium-sized Diet Coke, and hit the road.

Practically zero traffic headed South, and I was in the parking structure at 2145. I didn't check the maps of baggage claim vs parking spaces, so I wound up taking quite a hike from where I parked to where I needed to be. Since she always uses the same airline, I'll map out my parking spot ahead of time the next time.

139 miles round trip, averaged 18.6MPG, and took 3-1/2 hours round trip, including a brief wait while she deplaned and rode the little choo-choo from the gates to the baggage claim.

We were about 30 miles or so outside of Fort Collins when the overhead signs announced a "Crash 29 miles ahead expect delays"

Turns out the crash was just past our exit, so we were able to motor along without delay, and got home right about midnight.

On our way back she asked if Colorado had any other airports, meaning large commercial aviation airports, and I replied that Denver was the only "big" airport, which took her aback a bit. She then mentioned how close everything was in Long Beach, and the ready availability of air flights, and how small the Macy's is in Fort Collins, and........

Yup....another tinge of Culture Shock.....

But she had a great time hanging out with her friends and doing stuff, including a trip to The Getty, one of her favorite places, so I don't mind two round trips to DIA when she goes "home" to see her friends.


  1. Does MRSDRJIM want to return to Long Beach?

  2. I had a long winded diatribe about how your wife needs to suck it up and become involved where she NOW lives!
    Then I realized that that was really unfair of me and judgemental of someone I don't even know...

    1. She's trying, Brig. We joined the Senior Center here (never thought I'd join a Senior Center!), and we're doing a lot of things here, but she still misses her friends.

  3. She misses where she grew up, and where most of her friends live.

    Besides, we both know it would be financially impossible for us to go back and buy another house.

    1. drjim,
      No need to explain and I sincerely apologize for my comment. I should have just deleted the whole thing. I am sorry.

  4. Three years into the 6 mile stretch of I-25 being "improved" at Crossroads and they are still futzing around. Surprised you didn't get held up.

    1. Yup, shocked the sh1t out of both of us that we sailed right through that whole stretch.

      The first time we came out here to visit was 6 years ago this July, and I seem to remember they were just getting started on that section.

  5. She's happy, it's all good! :-)

    1. And she just bought the tickets so one of her friends can come visit in May, and another in June.


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