Friday, February 23, 2018

Supra Delivered This Afternoon, Utility Survey, and a "Hallmark Cards" Kind of Day.

It started snowing last Sunday night, and by Monday morning we had several inches of white and fluffy. It's been getting down to "zeroish" at night, and 15~25* during the day. We had nothing planned, so my wife read, enjoyed the fire, and played with Pebbles The Wonder Dog, who really enjoys running around in the snow. She didn't care much at first for the paw washing/drying routine when she comes back in, but now she goes to the throw rug and waits for us to get the mud and snow off her paws before she leaves the sun room.

And we've been baby sitting the grandson quite a bit. GrandMomius Prime was done with the flu for a few days, so GM2 took over. He's also been spending Friday nights/Saturday afternoons with us to give GM1 a break. He's been teething, so sometimes he gets pretty cranky, but he's also at the babbling stage, and it's fun to listen to him "talk" to us. Sometimes he has the cadence right, and if he wasn't making baby sounds, you'd swear he was telling you something. He's also just started officially crawling. Full coordination of legs and arms to motivate himself around, rather than rolling. I'm noticing much more in the child development area than I did 30-some years ago with my own son. Different perspective caused by a different time in life, I guess.

Tuesday morning at 1000 my ex sent me a text that Reliable Carriers was coming to pick up the Supra "In a couple of hours". The truck showed up around 1300 and had some difficulty getting the car loaded because the battery was so dead that the engine wouldn't keep running once they took the Jiffy Jump off the battery. They left the Jiffy Jump connected while the engine ran, and after about 10 minutes, the car would idle, so they loaded it up, and off they went.

This immediately put me in overdrive (well.....*my* version of overdrive!) to finish the garage, get another new battery and another "Battery Tender Plus" for when the car is sitting here and can't be driven for whatever reason. I'd started the final push to get the garage ready last week, and it mostly involved getting the last of the Basement Workshop boxes separated from the Garage Workshop boxes and moved to the basement, and rearranging the stuff on the "pie rack" shelves in the garage. And it's a Good Thing I spent the time in the garage and basement the last week or so. ALL "Basement Workshop" tools, equipment, parts, manuals and other errata are now down in the basement, and quite a collection of "Garage Workshop" items made the trip back upstairs and were returned to their proper spot in the garage.

I'll do a post on just the Supra and her trip here as soon as I get the pix off the camera.


  1. Sweeeeet.
    Now you will have yet another thing to keep you occupied. It's very nice to have a garage to keep things in.
    It has snowed at least once the last five days in a row here which is unheard of. Thankfully it melts off the roads the next day but it has shot my mini vacation all to hell because I had big plans on doing a bunch of work on the Bronco and that ain't happening when it's snowing outside. I couldn't get that thing in the garage if I wanted to.

  2. Replies
    1. Yep. That's my last major possession that was still in Kalifornia. We finally smuggled her out, and now the whole pack is back together! Even Pebbles wagged her tail when she saw the car, and then sniffed the interior.

  3. It may be awhile before you want to take the Supra out for a spin.

    1. She's resting comfortably after a whirlwind tour of several Western and South Western states.

      Shivering a bit, but resting comfortably...

  4. Oh, yeah, BTDT and got the frostbitten fingers to prove it!

    Helped a buddy rebuild the engine in his Spitfire in an unheated garage in the winter back in Illinois when I was in high-school. Helped another rebuild the driveline in his Corvair a couple of years later, but at least he rented a "Salamander" heater!

    And then there's my own stuff......

  5. I'm glad that you were able to get your baby out of CA and into a free state.

    1. I won't mention getting stuck in the street because we have a big curb to climb to get into the driveway, and big, wide, "summer performance" tires don't have much bite in the snow.

      Once I lost momentum, the tires just spun, and the back of the car fishtailed.....

    2. LOL!
      You can't tell me that there wasn't a little voice way down deep inside you going WHEEEEEEEE! the whole time.

    3. It was "fun" for about 2 minutes, and then I realized I wasn't going anywhere until I remembered the correct way to rock a car to get it unstuck.

      It kinda worked. At least it got me out of the snow-over-ice part of the street, and then I could feel the tires digging down through the snow. Once they bit I was able to get up on the driveway, which was dry.

  6. Good news about the Supra. Those car shows on Velocity make it look like a "call 'em & they'll be right here" delivery service.

    1. I'm not real happy about what Reliable calls "Customer Service", but the car got here just fine, and once the driver picked it up, he called every night with a location and status.

  7. Impressive that you got the garage all organized, and the Supra home at last. It must feel great to be out of Cali. I'm looking forward to having that feeling.

    1. The last several weeks have been spent fixing things and "puttering" around in "my" spaces. The garage slowly got sorted, boxes moved around, shelving installed, and -GASP!- things were disposed of.

      The garage isn't quite what I want. I need a workbench at the front, and some more outlets. The whole garage has TWO duplex outlets, and of those 4 sockets, two are in permanent use; one for the door openers, and one for the blower on the "Radon Remedial System".

      Just gotta have about 4 or 5 duplex outlets added in there!


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