Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving To All

We'll be off going "over the river and through the woods" on Thanksgiving Day to be with our extended family, so I'll post this Wednesday night.

This is a "special" Thanksgiving for us, as it marks our first one in the new house, the first one with our grandson and his two cousins, and numerous other "firsts".

And we're thankful for all of them, even the painful steps it took to get here. They didn't kill us, so I guess we're stronger now.

Don't eat too much, and watch out for the crazies on the road!


  1. Replies
    1. The last time we were at "Grandma's House" was 5 years ago.

      I forgot it was "only" 9 miles off the main road, but that it took about 40 minutes to drive those 9 miles!

  2. Have Blessed & Happy Thanksgiving. I'm on the road to my granddaughter & her husband for turkey day! I will get to spend the day with my daughter and her whole crew, so looking forward to a heart warming day.
    Showed the house to a really nice local young couple today, they want the house pretty bad and are putting their house on the market. Keep your fingers crossed.

  3. I'm very happy for you, in your new home on Thanksgiving.

    My advice is simply this: Eat too much, take a long nap.

    1. Dinner was at 1700, and we just got home about 2015, so no nap today.

      Lots of fun with the Jeep today. Went from 5000' to 7200' in 9 miles, which took about 40 minutes.

  4. Dr. Jim, this has been a landmark year for you. You've accomplished something few ever do. Got a lot to be Thankful for this year, I'd say. Hope the trip to visit kinfolk goes well.

    1. We've been blessed this year, Harry. Surrounded by family and grandbabies up in the mountains, and it doesn't get much better than that!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  6. You all have a safe trip. God bless and Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

    1. Thanks, Linda.

      Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving and congrats on the new home!

  8. pumpkin pie anyone??????????? Hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving!:-)


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